Definition "clone" for the game, it is not always offensive. In the end, they all descended from several "The ancestors of the genre", So the clone clone. And here is an example for you – "Heroes of Malgrimia". The game is definitely "Grows" from Heroes of Might and Magic And King’s Bounty. But by primitive copying of the idea – and, by the way, graphs – the developers did not limit themselves. The project was done on the principle "from fans, for fans" And almost everything that was missing in it was implemented in it Homm.

That is why "Heroes of Malgrimia" were accepted quite well, although not without comments on the secondary and imperfect implementation. And no one was surprised when the second part soon came out, and then the Standalone completion to it, which appeared two years later. About the addon now we will be discussed.

The first thought that visits after the start of the game – "Heroes!", those that "Sword and magic". Naturally, it’s not about the fifth part. Recognizable rash graphics, albeit redrawn, but therefore not lost characteristic style. Familiar, but more diverse and interesting music. Card generation system and alternative in the form of scripts or campaigns. Instantly recognizable game interface: a characteristic control unit on the right, "Window to the world" left. Button "The end of the course" Also in place. Everything is standard.

But in order to feel not similarity, but differences, you should first try to visit the city and evaluate the unusual implementation. Кстати, если вы по привычке рванулись к замку – не стоит удивляться и нервничать. In the castle is really impossible to build almost nothing, it serves exclusively for the maintenance of the garrison and training of troops from recruits. And recruits, in turn, come. That’s right, from cities. Who cannot protect themselves, but grow, develop and bring income. Naturally, all this is unusual only for those who did not play in previous games of the series.

Similarly, the army equipment system will look like as strange for them. It is not difficult to build a crowd of skeletons or swordsmen, but for a long time they will not live. Weapons and experience – these are the main sources of the power of your troops. Equip them with something more powerful than standard swords, train in several skirmishes, and they will show what they are capable of. I remember that in the first part an equestrian knight, armed with two powerful spears, was a natural death machine. And if the swordsmen are not needed, they can always be turned into archers, the training system allows this. Those, in turn, are in the riders, and the horsemen – in some riders on the griffins. The development tree is large enough, and a significant percentage of soldiers in the process is lost. As a result, having driven a crowd of recruits to the entrance, at the exit you can get one or two super-beads.

All this applies to the previous games of the series. What is radically new contained in the addition? In the first place, it would seem, should be a campaign that gave the name to the product. But just she does not represent anything particularly interesting, neither in terms of the plot, nor in any other. Ordinary second -rate fantasy. Most "Tasty" Not noticeable not immediately.

The first point is the destroyed buildings. Finally, you can erase the hated castle or city of the enemy from the face of the earth, and then also rebuild your place. Changing the most important tactics in terms of tactics, it would be worth expecting some bonuses to the defending side and such are also present in the form of the opportunity to build defensive structures in cities and on the map. Then – a new system of movement of troops around the battlefield. The line of progress is now determined by the experience of the detachment. The weakly pumped crowd finally loses the chances of victory against a more developed and small army. Beginners are scattered before they can do something at all.

The rest of the innovations are already visible during the game and there are very many of them. The troops are allowed to wear any weapon of their level, and this weapons is now being mined and if the enemy is victory. The old buildings of the dead are changed and new ones were added, not included in the original "GM2". The graphics are slightly adjusted. Even primitive diplomacy appeared.

Well, the editor of the card is already serious. The ability to not depend on the developers who occasionally lay out new scenarios, and the generator of random battlefields, which is not too smart. Now you can take and draw your own card, or even a script. The editor is quite enough even for transferring to electronic form, for example, "The Lord of the Rings".

Sorry, improvements have not affected the interface in any way. He is still overloaded and unnecessarily complicated, and not an abundance of functions, but their poor implementation. Even on the start screen "random card" It is not always possible to immediately understand which curl is responsible for the choice of race, and which – for switching options. All this is very annoying.

And finally – about graphics. The game, of course, is undemanding to resources, loads with lightning speed and "Flies" even on the machines of the last century, but the visual side leaves much better. SHAREWARE Project could look like and not be ashamed of this, but completely commercial, especially the second part, should be a shame. A primitive two -dimensional picture spreading to the pixels at the maximum collision of the camera can make a frantically look for the year of release on a freshly cooled box. And the genre has nothing to do with it: "Heroes 5" look infinitely better, although they belong to the same subspecies.

"Heroes of the Malgrimia" In general, like this addon, it is worth recommending fans of step -by -step strategies, especially hardcores. There are quite interesting innovations here, you can build complex tactical combinations, and spending a ten hours a day for a game is not a problem. But the casual players will not like the project, and the concept itself is outdated at least five years ago.

Pros: Continuation of the development of Homm ideas in "Correct" side.
Cons: outdated graphics;Confused interface.

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